PhormiTex Lumina 60 O - 5,25 m
Width (cm):: 525
Transparent energy saving fabric with a shading value of appr. 15% and an energy saving of appr. 45%. It is particularly suitable for greenhouses with a high energy consumption.The fabric is used in a greenhouse as a transparent screen to reduce heating costs. For this, it remains closed at low outdoor temperatures.Due to woven acrylic yarns, a good moisture exchange is ensured.The fabric meets the B1 heavy-flammability guidelines for the European market.For suspended system reinforcement ribbon with hook installation is possible.Note:Further processing such as cutting and sewing is not included the price.
0,00 €*
PH 77 open FP - 430 cm
Width (cm):: 430
Open, durable shading netting with shading value of appr, 75 % energy saving of 20%.Its open structure allows an optimal exchange of air in the greenhouse, even if the shading screens are being driven without ventilation gap.Optimal moisture exchange is ensured by acrylic yarnsParticularly suitable for lay flat systems.Note:Further processing such as cutting and sewing is not included the price.
0,00 €*
Clima+ 65 O - 4,30m
Width (cm):: 430
Note:Further processing such as cutting and sewing is not included the price.
0,00 €*
Shade net, green - Roll = 3,00 m x 100 m
Color: dark green | Width (cm):: 300
Unser Schattengewirk ist eine kostengünstige Schattiervariante. Das grüne Schattennetz dient dem Sonnenschutz in Gewächshäusern, Frühbeeten, Wintergärten und ähnlichen Konstruktionen.Das Schattengewirk wird auch als Sichtschutz an Zäunen verwendet. Des Weiteren kann man das Netz als Vogel-. Laub-, Wind- oder Frostschutz verwenden. Die mittig gefaltete Rollenware lässt sich einfach ablängen und installieren.Die Schattierung liegt bei ca. 60 %.
0,00 €*
PH 55 open FP - 480cm
Width (cm):: 430
Open, durable shading netting with shading value of 53, 64 or 76% energy saving of 20%.Its open structure allows an optimal exchange of air in the greenhouse, even if the shading screens are being driven without ventilation gap.Optimal moisture exchange is ensured by acrylic yarnsParticularly suitable for lay flat systems.
0,00 €*
EcoScreen 15 OPEN - 3,25 m
Width (cm):: 325
Open, durable shading netting with shading value of appr. 53% energy saving of appr. 20%.Its open structure allows an optimal exchange of air in the greenhouse, even if the shading screens are being driven without ventilation gap.Optimal moisture exchange is ensured by acrylic yarnsParticularly suitable for lay flat systems.Note:Further processing such as cutting and sewing is not included the price.
0,00 €*
EcoScreen 17 OPEN - 4,30 m
Width (cm):: 430
Open, durable shade netting with shading value of appr. 76% energy saving of appr. 20%.Its open structure allows an optimal exchange of air in the greenhouse, even if the shading screens are being driven without ventilation gap.Optimal moisture exchange is ensured by acrylic yarnsParticularly suitable for lay flat systems.Note:Further processing such as cutting and sewing is not included the price.
0,00 €*
PhormiTex Lumina 50 O - 4,30 m
Width (cm):: 430
Transparent energy saving fabric with a shading value of appr. 15% and an energy saving of appr. 45%. It is particularly suitable for greenhouses with a high energy consumption.The fabric is used in a greenhouse as a transparent screen to reduce heating costs. For this, it remains closed at low outdoor temperatures.Due to woven acrylic yarns, a good moisture exchange is ensured.The fabric meets the B1 heavy-flammability guidelines for the European market.For suspended system reinforcement ribbon with hook installation is possible.Note:Further processing such as cutting and sewing is not included the price.
0,00 €*
EcoScreen 16 OPEN - 5,30 m
Width (cm):: 530
Open, durable shading netting with shading value of appr. 64% energy saving of appr. 20%.Its open structure allows an optimal exchange of air in the greenhouse, even if the shading screens are being driven without ventilation gap.Optimal moisture exchange is ensured by acrylic yarnsParticularly suitable for lay flat systems.Note:Further processing such as cutting and sewing is not included the price.
0,00 €*
PhormiTex Lumina 40 O - 5,25m
Width (cm):: 525
Note:Further processing such as cutting and sewing is not included the price.
0,00 €*
EcoScreen ES60 outdoor open - 5,30 m
Width (cm):: 530
Note:Further processing such as cutting and sewing is not included the price.
0,00 €*
EcoScreen ES50 outdoor open - 5,30 m
Width (cm):: 530
Note:Further processing such as cutting and sewing is not included the price.
0,00 €*
PH 66 open FP - 325 cm
Width (cm):: 325
Open, durable shading netting with shading value of 65 % energy saving of 20% to 30%.Its open structure allows an optimal exchange of air in the greenhouse, even if the shading screens are being driven without ventilation gap.Optimal moisture exchange is ensured by acrylic yarnsParticularly suitable for lay flat systems.Note:Further processing such as cutting and sewing is not included the price.
0,00 €*
EcoScreen FR55F white open - 3,25 m
Width (cm):: 325
Reasonably priced open knitted fabric to be applied both for lay flat and suspended systems. Its open structure enables air exchange inside the greenhouse. It can be used as a shading screen.Note:Further processing such as cutting and sewing is not included the price.
0,00 €*
EcoScreen FR45F white open - 5,30 m
Width (cm):: 530
Reasonably priced open knitted fabric to be applied both for lay flat and suspended systems. Its open structure enables air exchange inside the greenhouse. It can be used as a shading screen.Note:Further processing such as cutting and sewing is not included the price.
0,00 €*